Official Records Retention Schedules

Please note: The official University of Iowa Records Retention schedules are currently under revision. Updates will be posted periodically. The official UI Health Care Records Retention Schedule is available separately to assist UI Health Care departments.

These retention schedules are designed to assist University departments in preserving Official Records appropriately while providing economy and efficiency in the creation, organization, maintenance, use, and disposition of records.

Search Criteria

Administrative Unit: represents either the administrative unit responsible for establishing the Official Record retention criteria OR the Administrative Unit responsible for maintaining the Official Records identified.

Confidential: indicates Official Records that contain information of various sorts that the University receives and holds confidential unless otherwise ordered by a court, by the lawful custodian of the records or by another person duly authorized to release such information. Examples include: student records, medical records, personnel records, etc.

Vital: indicates Official Records that contain information considered essential for the operations of a department (and/or the University) and includes information that may prevent a department from incurring serious liability or risk, or that would be extremely costly to replace. In the event of a disaster, this information, if destroyed, would make it difficult for a department to conduct normal business activities.

Export the full list of Official Record Retention Schedules available to date – or use the search criteria below for a more targeted search.


Category: Tax Records


Wage and Tax Statement filed annually with IRS and employee.

Official Files Maintained by:
University Human Resources - Payroll

UI Retention Guidelines: Permanent

Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes

Waivers - signed copies

Category: Risk Management, Insurance and Loss Prevention


Release of Liability signed by third parties for personal injury or property damage resulting from their participation in activities/events occurring on and off University property.

Official Files Maintained by:
Local Department responsible for creating or overseeing the record

UI Retention Guidelines: 5 Years

Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes

Waivers of UI Interest On Disclosures of New Inventions

Category: Inventions, Patents and Research Agreements


These are letters signed by UIRF waiving rights back to the inventor(s) if it is determined the UIRF has no interest in the disclosed invention.

Official Files Maintained by:
UI Research Foundation

UI Retention Guidelines: Patent Term + 5 Years

Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes

Wholly-owned subsidiaries (Musser-Davis) Financial Report

Category: Accounting and Financial


Audited financial report, company documents for leasing, sales, operating expenses, payroll, taxes, correspondence.

Official Files Maintained by:
UI Accounting & Financial Reporting

UI Retention Guidelines: Permanent

Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes

X-ray Unit Compliance Surveys

Category: Environmental Health & Safety


EHS compliance surveys of UI X-ray units

Official Files Maintained by:

UI Retention Guidelines: 5 Years

Confidential: No
Vital: Yes

X-ray Unit Inventory/Registration

Category: Environmental Health & Safety


EHS Inventory and registration of UI X-ray Units

Official Files Maintained by:

UI Retention Guidelines: 5 Years

Confidential: No
Vital: Yes
