Official Records Retention Schedules
Please note: The official University of Iowa Records Retention schedules are currently under revision. Updates will be posted periodically. The official UI Health Care Records Retention Schedule is available separately to assist UI Health Care departments.
These retention schedules are designed to assist University departments in preserving Official Records appropriately while providing economy and efficiency in the creation, organization, maintenance, use, and disposition of records.
Search Criteria
Administrative Unit: represents either the administrative unit responsible for establishing the Official Record retention criteria OR the Administrative Unit responsible for maintaining the Official Records identified.
Confidential: indicates Official Records that contain information of various sorts that the University receives and holds confidential unless otherwise ordered by a court, by the lawful custodian of the records or by another person duly authorized to release such information. Examples include: student records, medical records, personnel records, etc.
Vital: indicates Official Records that contain information considered essential for the operations of a department (and/or the University) and includes information that may prevent a department from incurring serious liability or risk, or that would be extremely costly to replace. In the event of a disaster, this information, if destroyed, would make it difficult for a department to conduct normal business activities.
Export the full list of Official Record Retention Schedules available to date – or use the search criteria below for a more targeted search.
UI recombinant DNA (rDNA) Guidelines
Category: Environmental Health & Safety
Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) rDNA Guidelines used at the UI for rDNA research - different than the protocols submitted and approved by the IBC.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Retention Guidelines: Permanent
Confidential: No
Vital: No
UIRF Account Statements
Category: Inventions, Patents and Research Agreements
Standard business records kept for audit and tax purposes related to UIRF Inventions, Patents and Research Agreements.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Research Foundation
UI Retention Guidelines: Permanent
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
UIRF Articles of Incorporation
Category: Inventions, Patents and Research Agreements
The UIRF is a 501c3, wholly owned by the UI and as such, has Articles of Incorporation filed with the State of Iowa.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Research Foundation
UI Retention Guidelines: Permanent
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
UIRF Board Minutes
Category: Inventions, Patents and Research Agreements
The UIRF is a 501c3, wholly owned by the UI and as such, has a Board of Directors and would retain any minutes from those meetings.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Research Foundation
UI Retention Guidelines: 10 Years
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
UIRF Certificate of Tax Exemption
Category: Inventions, Patents and Research Agreements
As a non-profit 501c3, UI Research Foundation is afforded specific tax exemptions.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Research Foundation
UI Retention Guidelines: Permanent
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
UIRF Intellectual Property Gift Donation Agreements
Category: Inventions, Patents and Research Agreements
If outside parties donate intellectual property (patents) to the UIRF, there would be an agreement outlining the donation and any restrictions.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Research Foundation
UI Retention Guidelines: Patent Term + 5 Years
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
UIRF Ledgers
Category: Inventions, Patents and Research Agreements
Accounting ledgers, tracking income and distribution related to UIRF Inventions, Patents and Research Agreements.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Research Foundation
UI Retention Guidelines: Patent Term + 5 Years
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
UIRF Settlement Agreements
Category: Inventions, Patents and Research Agreements
These are generally agreements which come out of litigation related to the infringement of UIRF intellectual property, or the breach of an agreement with UIRF.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Research Foundation
UI Retention Guidelines: Patent Term + 5 Years
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
Unit-specific Tuition and Development Grants/Awards (Employment)
Category: Personnel, Human Resources and Recruitment
Documents may include procedure/program information, applications, awards granted to UI employees utilizing UI funds (not sponsored by University HR) to pay for tuition, receipts or requisitions related to payment of courses on behalf of employee, courses taken, etc. Restricted if contains identification information.
Official Files Maintained by:
Local Department responsible for creating or overseeing the record
UI Retention Guidelines: 5 Years
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC)
Category: Environmental Health & Safety
Records associated with US Army grant
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Retention Guidelines: 5 Years
Confidential: No
Vital: Yes
University Annual Audited Financial Report
Category: Accounting and Financial
The audited financial report of the University of Iowa is published annually. It summarizes the financial position and results of operations of the University for the past two fiscal years.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Accounting & Financial Reporting
UI Retention Guidelines: Permanent
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
University audited GAAP package
Category: Accounting and Financial
The State of Iowa's Department of Administrative Services (DAS) requires each state unit to submit financial information annually in a format they specify. The submitted financial information is accumulated and combined to develop the State of Iowa Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR).
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Accounting & Financial Reporting
UI Retention Guidelines: 10 years
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
University Budget Book
Category: Accounting and Financial
Annual budget information per organizational unit documented for public use
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Retention Guidelines: 10 Years
Confidential: No
Vital: Yes
University Goods and Services Contracts
Category: Purchasing, Accounts Payable and Travel
University contracts are the final, signed contracts that are processed for the purchase of goods and services. These contracts include but not limited to maintenance agreements, software licenses, non-real estate leases, credit applications, etc.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Purchasing, Accounts Payable and Travel
UI Retention Guidelines: 10 Years after life of contract
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
University of Iowa Charter Committee Member Listings
Category: Administrative Records
Annual membership listings for UI charter committees which are established in an effort to assure that University-wide services and activities will be carried out in the best interests of education and society. (Also retained permanently by UI Archivist due to historical value)
Official Files Maintained by:
Local Department responsible for creating or overseeing the record
UI Retention Guidelines: 10 Years
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
University of Iowa General Catalog
Category: Academic and Faculty
The General Catalog provides information about the programs at the University of Iowa.
Official Files Maintained by:
Office of the Registrar
UI Retention Guidelines: Permanent
Confidential: No
Vital: Yes
Vaccinia Vaccination Information Forms
Category: Environmental Health & Safety
Vaccinia Vaccine Information forms used to document the individual's acceptance or refusal of vaccinia vaccination.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Retention Guidelines: Permanent
Confidential: No
Vital: Yes
Van Pool Agreements
Category: Parking & Transportation
Signed agreement by employee van pool members stating they will abide by terms and policies of van pool program.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Parking & Transportation
UI Retention Guidelines: 5 Years after end of agreement
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
Vehicle Accident Files
Category: Risk Management, Insurance and Loss Prevention
Records of accidents involving vehicles either owned or operated by a Regents institution.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Risk Management
UI Retention Guidelines: 10 Years
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
Vehicle Self-Insurance Fund
Category: Risk Management, Insurance and Loss Prevention
Documents relating to establishment and administration of vehicle self-insurance fund.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Risk Management
UI Retention Guidelines: Permanent
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes