Official Records Retention Schedules
Please note: The official University of Iowa Records Retention schedules are currently under revision. Updates will be posted periodically. The official UI Health Care Records Retention Schedule is available separately to assist UI Health Care departments.
These retention schedules are designed to assist University departments in preserving Official Records appropriately while providing economy and efficiency in the creation, organization, maintenance, use, and disposition of records.
Search Criteria
Administrative Unit: represents either the administrative unit responsible for establishing the Official Record retention criteria OR the Administrative Unit responsible for maintaining the Official Records identified.
Confidential: indicates Official Records that contain information of various sorts that the University receives and holds confidential unless otherwise ordered by a court, by the lawful custodian of the records or by another person duly authorized to release such information. Examples include: student records, medical records, personnel records, etc.
Vital: indicates Official Records that contain information considered essential for the operations of a department (and/or the University) and includes information that may prevent a department from incurring serious liability or risk, or that would be extremely costly to replace. In the event of a disaster, this information, if destroyed, would make it difficult for a department to conduct normal business activities.
Export the full list of Official Record Retention Schedules available to date – or use the search criteria below for a more targeted search.
Class Lists
Category: Academic/Student Records
Roster of students/class lists for UI credit classes (graduate, undergraduate, professional students at all UI Colleges and campuses).
Official Files Maintained by:
Office of the Registrar
UI Retention Guidelines: Permanent
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
Clery Records
Category: Public Safety & Security
Records that may be used by the Department of Education to establish our compliance with the Clery Act.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Department of Public Safety
UI Retention Guidelines: 7 Years
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
Competitive Bids - Request for Quotes, Requests for Proposal, Request for Qualifications, Reverse Auctions
Category: Purchasing, Accounts Payable and Travel
Competitive bids are initiated through the Ebid System. Typical supporting documentation - awarded vendors proposal, non-winning proposals, evaluation score sheet, vendor questions and answers, best and final offers, and any other documentation or communication related to the awarded contract. Considered confidential until award is made.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Purchasing, Accounts Payable and Travel
UI Retention Guidelines: 5 Years following end of contract
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
Complaints of UI Community Policy violations - responded to by the Local Department Employing the Responding Party
Category: Personnel, Human Resources and Recruitment
All records pertaining to formal complaints alleging violations of the Interim Policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct, including resolution agreements, supportive measures, evidentiary file, outcome letters and appeal decisions.
Official Files Maintained by:
Local Department responsible for creating or overseeing the record
UI Retention Guidelines: 7 years after termination of respondent
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
Complaints, Reports, or Inquiries Regarding UI Community Policies Responded to by the Office of Institutional Equity
Category: Personnel, Human Resources and Recruitment
All records of complaints, reports, and/or inquiries filed with the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) under UI’s community policies, as well of records of complaints filed against the university with federal and state civil rights agencies (e.g., EEOC, ICRC) and responded to by OIE, including witness statements and any associated findings.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Office of Institutional Equity
UI Retention Guidelines: Retain for a period of no less than 7 years from the date of filing or the date of final university or administrative agency action taken in response, whichever is latest.
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
Confidential Disclosure Agreements
Category: Grants and Awards
Agreement that outlines the restrictions on sharing confidential information exchanged by the parties.
Official Files Maintained by:
Division of Sponsored Programs
UI Retention Guidelines: 5 Years after life of agreement
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
Confidentiality/Outgoing Material Transfer Agreements
Category: Inventions, Patents and Research Agreements
These are all agreements related to non-commercial availability and distribution of materials or information related to disclosures.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Research Foundation
UI Retention Guidelines: Patent Term + 5 Years
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
Confined Space Evaluation Forms
Category: Environmental Health & Safety
Departmental evaluation of confined spaces in their areas of responsibility.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Retention Guidelines: Permanent
Confidential: No
Vital: Yes
Conflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment in Employment Management Plans
Category: Personnel, Human Resources and Recruitment
Required management plan (reviewed annually) if/when a conflict of interest or commitment in employment is identified for a current UI employee.
Official Files Maintained by:
Local Department responsible for creating or overseeing the record
UI Retention Guidelines: 5 Years following termination of employee
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
Category: Contracts, Real Estate and Leasing
The final, signed misc. contracts with various 3rd parties doing business with the University. Contracts are maintained in centralized contract management system overseen by UI Business Manager's Office.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Business Manager Office
UI Retention Guidelines: 10 Years from termination of contract
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
Course Fee Approvals/Reports
Category: Academic/Student Records
Documentation of recommendations and final approvals of course fees specific to the actual course. Requests can be submitted twice a year and if approved will be active for five years. Misc. Fee Committee recommendations are sent to the Provost Office for final approval.
Official Files Maintained by:
Office of the Registrar
UI Retention Guidelines: 10 Years
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
Course Grades
Category: Academic/Student Records
Records of final grades and change of grades for students in UI credit classes (graduate, undergraduate, professional students at all UI Colleges and campuses).
Official Files Maintained by:
Office of the Registrar
UI Retention Guidelines: Permanent
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
Credits with purchase order
Category: Purchasing, Accounts Payable and Travel
Credit memo from vendor that is entered into PeopleSoft Accounts Payable as a credit voucher. Original is scanned and the scanned version is retained.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Purchasing, Accounts Payable and Travel
UI Retention Guidelines: 5 Years
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
Criminal Background Check Release Forms - Electronic
Category: Personnel, Human Resources and Recruitment
Electronic Criminal Background Check Release forms completed by applicants for regular, permanent positions or other security-sensitive positions at the University of Iowa. Electronic release forms are maintained in either the central University HR Criminal Background Check system in HRIS or by background check vendor system.
Official Files Maintained by:
University Human Resources
UI Retention Guidelines: 10 Years after background check is completed
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
Criminal Background Check Release Forms - Hard Copy and Conviction Results
Category: Personnel, Human Resources and Recruitment
Hard-copy/paper Criminal Background Check Release forms completed by applicants for regular, permanent positions or other security-sensitive positions at the University of Iowa and criminal conviction information obtained from vendor background check process.
Official Files Maintained by:
Carver College of Medicine Collegiate Dean Office for CCOM faculty
UI Retention Guidelines: 10 Years after background check is completed
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
Criminal Intelligence Records
Category: Public Safety & Security
Criminal Intelligence, threat assessment or other records on persons or incidents not included elsewhere.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Department of Public Safety
UI Retention Guidelines: Permanent
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
Cross-connection Prevention Test
Category: Facilities Management
Test record for backflow prevention
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Facilities Management
UI Retention Guidelines: 5 Years
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
Data Warehouse and Online Student Record Access Requests
Category: Academic/Student Records
Record of employees who have requested access to the Online Student Record Data Warehouse and completed FERPA Training.
Official Files Maintained by:
Office of the Registrar
UI Retention Guidelines: Permanent
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
Declared Pregnant Female Record for Radioactive Materials
Category: Environmental Health & Safety
Records of pregnancy declarations by females using radioactive materials.
Official Files Maintained by:
UI Retention Guidelines: Permanent
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes
Degree Progress Report
Category: Academic/Student Records
Record of all college level courses completed (both transfer and UI) as well as waivers and degree requirements for the student's program of study - maintained for each student enrolled in a UI degree program.
Official Files Maintained by:
Office of the Registrar
UI Retention Guidelines: Permanent
Confidential: Yes
Vital: Yes