Prior Year Budget Reports

Budget Narrative

The Budget Narrative is a written summary of revenue sources and expenditures for the budget year by fund group. The report also includes rationale behind the assumptions made when formulating the budget line items.  The narrative is provided annually to the Board of Regents.

Budget Spreadsheets

These reports represent revenue and expense line items by fund for the current budget, prior year budget, and the most recent actuals at the time of budget. Also included is information about General Fund strategic initiatives and how new incremental revenue and reallocation impacted these initiatives. These reports are provided annually to the Board of Regents.

Budgeted Revenue and Expense Pie Charts

The pie charts are a visual summary of University and General Fund revenues and expenses by major category.  Also included is a chart presenting the Health Care budget as a percentage of the total University of Iowa budget. 

General Educational Fund Summaries

These reports convey additional information about the University of Iowa's General Education Fund, such as a presentation of budgeted expenditures by NACUBO (National Association of College and University Business Officers) function and organizational unit.

Comprehensive Fiscal Report (Actual vs. Budget)

This report compares actual revenues and expenditures with the official budget.  The Comprehensive Fiscal Report is provided annually to the Board of Regents.