General Education Fund

Budget Narrative

The Budget Narrative is a written summary of revenue sources and expenditures for the budget year by fund group. The report also includes rationale behind the assumptions made when formulating the budget line items.  The narrative is provided annually to the Board of Regents.

General Educational Fund Summaries

These reports convey additional information about the University of Iowa's General Education Fund, including a presentation of budgeted expenditures by NACUBO (National Association of College and University Business Officers) function and organizational unit.


Budget Comparison


  FY 2024 Budget FY 2025 Budget % Change
State Appropriations $218,045,224 $223,496,355 2.50%
Interest 365,000 1,250,000 242.47%
Tuition and Fees 512,431,984 529,197,072 3.27%
Reimbursed Indirect Costs 71,191,542 68,893,870 -3.23%
Other Income 6,000 6,000 0.00%
Total Revenues $802,039,750 $822,843,297 2.59%
Expenditures - Salaries and Benefits
  FY 2024 Budget FY 2025 Budget % Change
Fac. & Inst. Off. Salaries $291,486,090 $305,650,780 4.86%
Prof. & Scientific Salaries 188,723,893 200,314,338 6.14%
General Services Salaries 35,615,369 35,797,205 0.51%
Hourly Wages 6,000,000 6,400,000 6.67%
Total Salaries and Benefits $521,825,352 $548,162,323 5.05%
Other Expenditures
  FY 2024 Budget FY 2025 Budget % Change
Supplies and Services $59,701,158 $47,602,748 -20.26%
Library Acquisition 18,232,747 17,584,574 -3.55%
Rentals 6,439,677 7084,734 10.02%
Utilities 46,807,762 49,125,190 4.95%
Building Repairs 26,111,733 27,360,733 4.78%
Auditor of State Reimbursement 850,000 850,000 0.0%
Equipment 4,733,206 4,983,471 5.29%
Student Aid 117,338,115 120,089,524 2.34%
Total Other Expenditures $280,214,398 $274,680,974 -1.97%
Total Expenditures $802,039,750 $822,843,297 2.59%