University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics

Budget Narrative

The Budget Narrative is a written summary of revenue sources and expenditures for the budget year by fund group. The report also includes rationale behind the assumptions made when formulating the budget line items.  The narrative is provided annually to the Board of Regents.

Budget Comparison

  FY 2024 Budget FY 2025 Budget % Change
State Appropriations $634,502 $634,502 0.00%
Interest $29,984,437 $37,880,000 26.33%
Reimbursed Indirect Costs $4,994,628 $4,699,120 -5.92%
Sales and Services $2,315,147,575 $2,724,516,484 17.68%
Other Income $1,450,473 $3,618,225 149.45%
Total Revenues $2,352,211,615 $2,771,348,331 17.82%
Expenditures - Salaries and Benefits
  FY 2024 Budget FY 2025 Budget % Change
Fac. & Inst. Off. Salaries $109,786,917 $115,115,978 4.85%
Prof. & Scientific Salaries $852,312,499 $970,902,349 13.91%
General Services Salaries $212,656,677 $249,590,733 17.37%
Hourly Wages $9,576,194 $11,421,021 19.26%
Total Salaries and Benefits $1,184,332,287 1,347,030,081 13.74%
Other Expenditures
  FY 2024 Budget FY 2025 Budget % Change
Supplies and Services $1,108,484,751 $1,361,061,494 22.79%
Rentals $8,756,526 $8,949,973 2.21%
Utilities $42,140,181 $46,476,261 10.29%
Building Repairs $8,497,870 $7,830,522 -7.85%
Total Other Expenditures $1,167,879,328 $1,424,318,250 21.96%
Total Expenditures $2,352,211,615 $2,771,348,331 17.82%