Restricted Funds

Budget Narrative

The Budget Narrative is a written summary of revenue sources and expenditures for the budget year by fund group. The report also includes rationale behind the assumptions made when formulating the budget line items.  The narrative is provided annually to the Board of Regents.

Budget Comparison

  FY 2024 Budget FY 2025 Budget % Change
State Appropriations      
  Other (Capital)   3,000,000  
  Other (Innovation) 1,050,000 1,050,000 0.00%
  Other (Resource Ctrs.) 268,297 268,297 0.00%
  Other (Ia Geological Survey) 695,000 945,000 35.97%
  Other (Tuition Replacement) 14,999,790 12,929,013 -13.81%
Federal Support 318,608,838 369,945,109 16.11%
Intra State Receipts 422,894,495 211,801,729 -49.92%
Interest 40,571,620 57,694,263 42.20%
Bonds & Loans 65,000,000 82,500,000 26.92%
Tuition and Fees 88,671,265 92,387,130 4.19%
Reimbursed Indirect Costs 30,120,910 30,165,602 0.15%
Sales and Services 956,996,644 1,041,213,392 8.80%
Other Income 228,674,077 251,565,981 10.01%
Total Revenues 2,168,550,936 2,155,465,516 -0.60%
Expenditures - Salaries and Benefits
  FY 2024 Budget FY 2025 Budget % Change
Fac. & Inst. Off. Salaries 505,305,283 527,185,182 4.33%
Prof. & Scientific Salaries 433,980,842 484,445,898 11.63%
General Services Salaries 47,460,493 53,159,451 12.01%
Hourly Wages 29,273,190 37,331,965 27.53%
Total Salaries and Benefits 1,016,019,808 1,102,122,496 8.47%
Other Expenditures
  FY 2024 Budget FY 2025 Budget % Change
Supplies and Services 532,763,871 491,566,974 -7.73%
Library Acquisition 122,000 122,000 0.00%
Rentals 11,562,376 18,578,423 60.68%
Utilities 13,717,195 14,035,275 2.32%
Building Repairs 16,513,714 11,803,307 -28.52%
Equipment 199,188,245 142,960,852 -28.23%
Student Aid 94,278,902 89,538,597 -5.03%
Debt Service 112,897,800 111,806,931 -0.97%
Plant Capital 171,487,025 172,930,661 0.84%
Total Other Expenditures 1,152,531,128 1,053,343,020 -8.61%
Total Expenditures 2,168,550,936 2,155,465,516 -0.60%