Reference Letters for Applicants for UI positions

Record Description

Letters of recommendation or reference submitted by employment references for candidates applying for UI positions.   

Administrative Unit Responsible for Establishing Retention Criteria

  • Equal Opportunity & Diversity

Location Where Files Are Maintained (Central Administrative Unit or Local Department)

  • Hiring Department

Retention Requirements

Active (Used during the course of University or departmental operations)

During the search/recruitment process until candidate is hired 

Inactive (No longer needed during regular course of operations, but retained for legal or business purposes)

Four (4) years following the closure of the search    

Permanent (May be required for legal, historical or business purposes or recommended for records of enduring value.)

NA-Not permanently Retained   


Recommendations and letters of support that are authored by University of Iowa employees, employees of other Regents institutions in this state, or by employees working elsewhere within Iowa state government may also be public under the Iowa open records law.

